Make sure that your name is in the document title before uploading it to the correct assignment (i.e. K-Value Charts of DePriester (7:13) Preview Animation K-value using DePriester Chart - Temperature and Pressure (3:55) Start Dew & Bubble Point Calculations in.Find the Exercise 4 assignment in the Lesson 5 Module by either clicking Next until you find it or by clicking Assignments and scrolling down until you find it.
Once you have a solution to the exercises you will submit your answers as a PDF by uploading your file to be graded. Ideal Behavior 2.5. A chart was provided for each hydrocarbon, in which K-value could be obtained by knowingT andPof thesystem. It represents the steady-state heat flow through a unit area of a material resulting from a temperature. Historically, K-values for light hydrocarbons were often given in a set of charts constructed by DePrister, then called Depriester charts. It is a fundamental property, independent of the quantity of material. The rest should be type-written for ease of reading when grading. A k-value (sometimes referred to as a k-factor or lambda value ) is a measure of the thermal conductivity of a material, that is, how easily heat passes across it. The scanned pages should relate to using the graphs for solving the problem. Important Note: You may submit scanned images or clear handwritten pages as a PDF that is less than 2 MB in size for this exercise. Submit your answers as a PDF in the Exercise 4 assignment inside the Lesson 5 Module, showing all the steps in your calculations, indicate the K values you read from the nomograms, and state your assumptions, if any.

These nomograms have two vertical coordinates, one. DePriester in an article in Chemical Engineering Progress in 1953. Would the summer, or winter asphalt product be “heavier”? Explain why. DePriester Charts provide an efficient method to find the vapor-liquid equilibrium ratios for different substances at different conditions of pressure and temperature. 494-95) have a set of DePriester Charts, which are plots of correlated K values for. Explain which of the following switches will take place in the refinery in about a month, and why? 40 ptsĪ) Switch the deasphalting solvent from propane to pentane.ī) Switch the deasphalting solvent from pentane to propane. A K-value or equilibrium coefficient is the ratio of the vapor. In late fall this refinery switches operations to produce more fuel oil from VDR for the coming winter months, producing still some asphalt, but in lower quantity. Finally, Whitson and Torp 9 proposed a new equation by incorporating the convergence pressure ( P k ): (9) K i P ci P k.

In each chart the pressure range is from 70 to 7000 kPa (10 to 1000 psia) and the temperature range is from 5 to 260 ✬ (40 to 500 ✯). McWilliams offered the following equation for K -value by correlating Depriester equilibrium ratio charts 8 : (8) log ( k i ) c 1 ln ( P ) + c 2 P + c 3 P 2 + c 4 + c 5 T + c 6 T 2 where c 1 to c 6 are the constants.

A refinery in Northwest Pennsylvania produces asphalt as an important product that brings revenue, particularly during the summer months. In these charts, K-values for individual components are plotted as a function of temperature on the x-axis with pressure as a parameter.