Other than your current monthly standard metering charge, there is no additional monthly meter lease fee for this hourly recording meter, and you will not pay a fee for exchanging the meter. Is it true I’ll need a new meter to be in the program?Įnrollment in Hourly Pricing requires the installation of an electric meter capable of measuring and recording electric usage in hourly intervals.although ComEd can’t control the market price of energy and does not mark-up the price you pay for any of the energy it delivers, ComEd does offer Budget Billing as a way to smooth out large monthly variations in your electric bill.high-price spikes for energy in the ComEd service territory are usually temporary and not sustained and.Hourly Pricing’s energy supply costs have never approached $3.70 / kWh - even during the Polar Vortex in February 2014, or the more recent price spikes during the middle of last February 2021.over the long-run, most ComEd customers save on Hourly Pricing versus ComEd’s default fixed-price rate – in fact, Hourly Pricing has saved participants $28 million since its launch in 2007.But keep in mind the following important points: Customers on ComEd’s Hourly Pricing pay a rate based on the market-based hourly energy price for electricity which is capped at a maximum of $3.70 / kWh by PJM the market operator.